Our Mission

To guide you seamlessly through the crucial stages of your academic and professional journey abroad, minimizing administrative hassles and maximizing your chances of success.

Services offered:

  • Promotion: Get noticed by the world’s top educational institutions.
  • Pre-selection: We find the academic nuggets that match your criteria.
  • Document Management: Simplify your paperwork so you can focus on what’s important.
Our 4-step process
How does it work?

Academic and Professional Profile Assessment

We analyze your background to define the best strategy.

Preparing your Application and Admission File

We help you compile the documents you need to apply.

Developing a Study Permit Application Strategy

We advise you on how to obtain your study permit.

Preparation and Presentation of Immigration File

We assist you in preparing and presenting your immigration file.
Services offered by IMENESES SERVICES

Personalized design of your study program based on your profile. Compilation and validation of documents required for your application and study permit requests.

Required documents:

  • Currículum Vitae
  • Academic and professional data collection form
  •  High school diploma or bachelor’s degree transcript
  • Birth certificate

We’ll work with you to obtain your educational acceptance letter and compile the necessary documents to support your application for a study permit. Ready for adventure? Contact us today to begin your journey to global academic excellence!